Friday, January 14, 2011

GPS prevent disasters


If your GPS device called a cliff or fording a river, would you? You can answer, of course not, this is stupid. Unfortunately, many people substitute technology for common sense, often with tragic consequences.

Satellite navigation systems have changed the way we navigate from place to land, sea or air in the wilderness at a distance or through congested city streets. The GPS system has been called the greatest advance in the openNavigation since the invention of the compass and the world has become a widely used aid to navigation is a useful tool for mapping, measuring and boats. An estimated 50 million navigation devices, including in-car systems, PDAs or laptops and smart phones in use in the U.S. this year.

Whether you are exploring skiing, hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking or backcountry, a GPS receiver can help you protect yourTarget and return safely - but only if you know exactly how to use it and know its limitations.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite navigation system is an argument that a complex network of more than 30 satellites placed into orbit by SU Department. The GPS network, also known as NAVSTAR, was originally intended for military applications, but when Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down in 1983 after the breakup of the USSRprohibited airspace, President Ronald Reagan issued a directive, the GPS freely available for civilian use as a common good. GPS works in any time in any weather, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.

Powered by solar energy, the number of satellites that make up the GPS space segment in orbit about 12,000 miles above the Earth. Moving at constant speed on 7,000 km / h make the satellite completes two orbits of the Earthless than 24 hours. GPS satellites are kept on track by a small rocket. Above all, be operated by solar energy, the satellites also use backup batteries in anticipation of power loss during a solar eclipse.

The first GPS satellite was sent into orbit in 1978, with a constellation of satellites in 1994, achieved weight of 2,000 kilograms of each satellite of approximately 17 meters wide, extends from the solar panels and is built to last tenYears. Replacement satellites will be constantly built and then launched into orbit.

GPS signals can be major obstacles affecting the multi-path problems in which the radio signals reflect, or the surrounding area, such as tall buildings, mountains. This increases the duration of the signal and can cause inaccuracies. The number of visible satellites or more satellites a GPS receiver "can" see also affect accuracy. Electronic interference, buildings, land orsometimes even dense foliage can block signal reception and to avoid incorrect placement or reading position at all.

Abnormalities such as static electricity may be high during a storm, humidity, air pressure ionized air and definitely the wrong information, data errors or misinterpretations. A satellite signal slows as it passes through the atmosphere. Ionosphere and troposphere delays can lead to distortions. GPS units typically will not work indoors, underground orUnder water.

In the automotive GPS receiver, the windshield defrosters as window film or staining receiving degrade metal items within the vehicle. receiver clock errors are also common. This type of error occurs because of a recipient of the built in clock is not as accurate as the atomic clocks on board satellites and GPS errors reflect different times. Such distortions in the positioning errors cause hundreds of miles.

Unreliablealso make an important contribution to the GPS error. countless millions of miles of roads and way to go with it for each data system to 100% accuracy impossible. A road network is constantly evolving entity, the roads will be diverted or closed, construction directs traffic during the influenza season, the road conditions. The data feed using your GPS unit is dated. new updated content may not be available for several months. It 'important to remember that these data are updatedquarterly at best and in some cases only be published twice a year.

Although GPS is becoming increasingly popular, error, these units the ability to highlight human. Trying to develop a GPS, was to advise you depending on the destination. An incorrect address or an error of spelling errors are frequent. Instead of making our lives easier, some of these technologically advanced equipment so that they are very difficult to use. Users make mistakesmost of the GPS errors, a GPS receiver has no choice but to recognize and correct these errors.

GPS technology is not perfect! E 'key in his direction with a healthy dose of common sense pair. Many pilots have shown a surprising willingness to leave the gadget instead of experience. They note that the satellite navigation may replace paper tickets, according to the GPS information is not always reliable, many people are still hopelesslylost, hitting dead ends and roadblocks, and even escape in the middle of oncoming traffic.

Even if the errors are blind to follow the instructions of the computer-generated, the studies do not tell us that the search "with the help of GPS while behind the wheel is actually divert more and less secure than carrying and using a paper card to find your way. " A large part of the driver, according to the study, directions, relying only on their GPS unit "makes them completely blindthe world around them. "

Related : Garmin Oregon 450t

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